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With Energy, Vitality and Focus

There are many diet books out there, from plant-based to carnivorian, Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, etc.

What was missing was a common sense approach going back to the basics, i.e. a "where do I start" guide" suitable for every one, regardless of blood type, metabolic type, brain chemistry type, etc.

Easy to read, with lots of pictures and summaries, guiding you through the energy of foods, including beverages, meat, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, algae, supplements and more (17 sections), a chapter on cleansing/detoxing, a chapter on the progression of dis-eases, with a special note on "poly-ticks."

Go to Eat Well, Live Well

Yes, YOU Can Recover from PTSD/LAS

My Journey from Trauma to Triumph, with the techniques that became the most effective for fast and long-lasting recovery.

Dedicated to the many men, women, and children who have suffered and who may still be suffering from the invisible wounds of PTS(D) and especially LAS (Legal Abuse Syndrome). May you find comfort and healing in these pages, to help you release the trauma..

Contains links to healing frequency audios

Go to Yes, YOU Can Recover

5 Keys to Enjoy a Healthy and Fulfilling Journey on Planet Earth

Key 1: Vibrant Health

Key 2: Emotional Mastery

Key 3: Mental Fitness

Key 4: Body-Mind Partnership

Key 5: Love, Life and Miracles

Go to the 5 Keys

Overcoming Adversity and Thriving on Planet Earth

Decades of research in holistic health, i.e. how to take care of your body-mind-soul-spirit went into this first book, demonstrating that these tips and techniques work, even while experiencing dire challenges.

Let's Overcome!

Jailed by Fraud: The Journal

What happens when US Marshals surround your house and arrest you for a crime you had not committed?

It happened to me  in a case that has yet to make sense.

I was asked to write about my "jail vacation" and decided to post some of the mail I wrote and received, to give an accurate picture of life in a jail cell.

Let's Check This!

Mini Courses

Common Cold

Stress Release


A common cold is often simply a way that the body does a cleanse/detox if we have not done it preemptively. 

Although quite annoying, the symptoms can be mitigated - and often eliminated - using specific Tapping Techniques. 

This mini-course is a offshoot of my full F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Course, found below.

For best results, start tapping as soon as the symptoms appear or when you can feel that "a cold is coming."

Go to Common Cold Mini Course

The Law of Attraction

Science? Deception?

Find Out!

The Law of Attraction is making a come-back, based partly on Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich book. Before you embrace it, or reject it as New Age Snake Oil or clever marketing, how about we look at a few facts.

By getting this mini-course, you will not only get a better understanding of this Law of Attraction, you will also get a glimpse at how PR (Public Relations)/Marketing got started and how and why the American Dream shifted in 1950.

Go to The Law of Attraction Mini Course


Each of these courses are quality tested, and are built to get you real results. These courses are designed for any skill level and are meant to get you massive personal growth.

Emotional Mastery with the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Techniques

Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body’s subtle energies, EFT /F.R.E.E.D.O.M. has been proven clinically effective (over 80%) for Trauma, Abuse, Stress, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, Depression, Grief, Addictive Cravings, Children’s Issues, and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains, and breathing difficulties.

  • Often works where nothing else will
  • Usually rapid, long-lasting, and gentle
  • No drugs or equipment required
  • Easily learned by anyone
  • Can be self applied"


A Whole-istic/Holistic program using new discoveries in 

1. Neuroscience (brain re-programming and sculpting

2. Psycho-cybernetics (how to focus on a goal and achieve it)

3. Food therapy

4. Guided Imagery

5. Virtual Gastric Band

6. Energy Psychology

7. Homeopathic Support

Coming Up 

in 2025


It's in the editing process.

Coming Up 

in 2025


3-month intensive boot camp toward optimal personal health.

Coming Up 

in 2025

Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD